Monday, June 30, 2008


Okay, so I got asked today by my principal if I wanted to teach an advanced math class next year. Really flattered because it means she thinks that I'm competent and won't screw up the "smart" kids. Plus, when your principal "asks" you to do something, can you really say no?? I mean, I'm overwhelmed by how blessed I've been in the job department of my life. Almost too blessed!
The downside is that it means more prep work because instead of teaching just 2 subjects (math I and science), I would be teaching 3 (math I, math II, and science). And I don't think there is more pay involved...just more work. But in the education world, taking on more responsibility usually leads to more pay in other areas in some way. The other thing I'm worried about is the backlash from other teachers. My friend Amanda took this job last year and the rest of the department got kind of pissed at her because she was the youngest/newest and got offered the job over the veterans. And they weren't very nice about it. Not to mention, I'm not sure if that means that I'm being offered the job instead of Amanda or if they're planning on taking the class away from the other math II teacher. Double yikes!
Anyways, I'm pretty sure none of this makes sense, but I'm stressing out so I decided to share. Hopefully I make the right decision!

Monday, June 23, 2008

We'll see...

So, only 10 months after the requested date, here is my first post. Let's see. I can't believe a year has almost already gone by. I was thinking about this as my first school year here came to a close (yea summer break!) and I was trying to think about how I felt about my decision to move home. There have definitely been both good things and bad about the experience.
I LOVE my job and I feel really blessed to be there. It's such a change to feel valued and to feel like I'm actually teaching my students what I'm supposed to be teaching them. Also, I'm on some committees that are really letting me make my voice heard at my school and I'm going to be coaching basketball next year! I've also made some really good friends at work, which has been SO needed. And being near my family has been wonderful. It's nice to be able to see them whenever I want and it's wonderful to not be just a long-distance aunt.
On the downside, it has been a lonely year. Living by myself has been a struggle and the weather here only adds to the depression. Friends that I made in California that I thought were life-long friends haven't been so good about checking in with me. And believe me, I know that friendship is a two-way street, but something about my depression has made me push people away. Thank goodness for the few who have made it a point to not let me push them out. Church has been almost non-existent and honestly, just a frustrating topic that I don't like to discuss. Sundays are no longer fun, but a chore. I keep thinking things have to eventually get better, right?
So, in hindsight, would I do it again? Yes, I think so. I'm pretty sure the good outweighs the bad. At least for now. And hey, think about if I'd waited and then tried to move home later...can you imagine what I would have had to of paid for gas by then for that huge ass moving truck? I shudder just trying to calculate that bill!